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Make a neat map of the countries and places you've visited

Make a neat map of the countries and places you've visited

How many times have you visited some city and when was the last time? Record it in your profile and then simply share your map on social networks or forums.

Add your trips and invite your fellow travelers to them

An overview of your previous and planned trips has never been easier. Each trip includes a detailed itinerary of your trip, so it can also serve as a scheduler.
Add your trips and invite your fellow travelers to them
Keep an eye on your budget and weather at upcoming trips

Keep an eye on your budget and weather at upcoming trips

Money is an important part of every trip and therefore we do not forget to track them. It is also good to know the weather that will hit you on a trip and a recommendation for what to pack with you.

Record all your flights to the flight diary

Find out which airports, airplanes or airlines you use most often and simply create a map with all the flights you have completed.
Record all your flights to the flight diary
Compare and race with other travelers

Compare and race with other travelers

What's your rank amongst the world's top travelers or amongst your own country? Do you dare to race for the best traveler of the year?

Keep track of the flight price development

Are you waiting for better times to buy a ticket? With our flight watch, we'll always alert you with a better or worse price change.
Keep track of the flight price development
Share stunning travelogues from your travels

Share stunning travelogues from your travels

You can add your impressions from a road in a simple editor directly at our pages for other travelers to read.

Create a wish list and see how you can fulfill it

Do you have a list of wishes in your mind that you would like to experience during your life? To see the northern lights or parachute? Here you can check them all out.
Create a wish list and see how you can fulfill it
Upload photos from places where no one has ever been

Upload photos from places where no one has ever been

Your photos can become the most popular on our site. Just upload them and we'll take care of the rest.

Ask the forum for anything or help others

Do you need advice for your trip? Or do you have a given country experience that will help others? The discussions can handle every topic.
Ask the forum for anything or help others